Bachelor of Mathematics
Ottawa, Canadá
3 Years
Tiempo completo
01 Apr 2025
Sep 2025
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En el campus
Mathematics is a driving force behind many of today’s advancements in medicine, economics and business, and science and technology. As a Bachelor of Mathematics student, you can choose from a broad range of program options according to your interests and career goals. The solid mathematical knowledge and skills you acquire at Carleton will give you a competitive edge in a wide variety of careers and prepare you to contribute to the next generation of innovations.
The Carleton advantage
Our degree programs provide you with focused training. Unlike many universities, we offer first-year math courses exclusively for students interested in pursuing a degree in mathematics or statistics. At Carleton, you will find courses taught by leading researchers who are committed to student success, and our undergraduate labs are installed with state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical software which is also used in the industry. You can also receive one-on-one tutorial assistance with mathematics problems through our Mathematics Tutorial Centre which runs a free drop-in service.
Co-op opportunities
The co-op program combines classroom learning with work terms, for the kinds of hands-on experience you will find only in the workplace. Co-op can also provide you with networking opportunities, financial support and direct contact with potential employers.
The capital advantage
Many of our professors have ties with federal government departments. For example, there is an extensive collaboration between the statisticians here and those at Statistics Canada and at Health Canada. In addition, you will have access to a broad network of professionals in organizations throughout the National Capital Region where mathematics and statistics play a vital role. Among them are the National Research Council Canada and some of the leading companies in Canada’s high technology sector. Our strong links to these organizations have often produced work and research opportunities for our students.
The program
Carleton University offers a variety of undergraduate programs in Mathematics and Statistics leading to a Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) degree, as well as to the Bachelor of Science (Double Honours) in Mathematics and Physics.
You can choose either a General program, which requires 15.0 credits and is normally completed in three years of full-time study or an Honours program, which requires 20.0 credits and normally takes four years to complete.
In planning your program, you will want to consider a number of things, such as how many Computer Science courses to include in your program and whether you should combine your studies in Mathematics with courses in the arts, social sciences or experimental sciences. We are ready to help you design a program that is right for you.
- Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Honours)
- Mathematics (General or Honours)
- Statistics (General or Honours)
- Actuarial Science concentration
Computer Science and Mathematics (Combined Honors)
If you are also interested in Computer Science, consider our BMath Combined Honours program in Computer Science and Mathematics. This limited enrolment program, similar to the Bachelor of Computer Science program, places equal emphasis on Mathematics and Computer Science. You can follow one of two concentrations: Computing Theory and Numerical Methods or Statistics and Computing.
Mathematics and Economics; Statistics and Economics (Combined Honors)
These two Combined Honours programs offer a strong blend of courses in these closely related disciplines.
Mathematics and Physics (Bachelor of Science [Double Honors])
This is an elite program that allows you to combine an intense study of Mathematics with Modern Physics. It will also prepare you for advanced study in theoretical physics.
Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program
This program “fast-tracks” exceptional Mathematics or Statistics students, making it possible to graduate in four years instead of five with both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. You can graduate with a combined Bachelor of Mathematics/Master of Science in Mathematics or in Statistics.
Students in undergraduate programs not in the School of Mathematics and Statistics can opt to take a four-credit minor in Mathematics or Statistics.
Future opportunities
The BMath (Honours) degree provides excellent training for many diverse fields, such as:
- Actuarial science
- Business modeling
- Data mining
- Information security
Management and systems analysis Students with a degree in Statistics may find employment in:
- Data analysis
- Financial modeling
- Market analysis
- Survey design
Graduate Studies
Graduates of all of our programs are well qualified to go on to graduate studies in a variety of fields including mathematics and statistics, mathematical physics, meteorology, oceanography, computer science, information science, actuarial science, business, engineering, biostatistics, econometrics, and psychology.
Professional Programs
Mathematics and Statistics provide a strong foundation for many professional programs.
Explore Mathematics (BMath) at Carleton University
Plan de estudios
La Universidad de Carleton ofrece una variedad de programas de pregrado en Matemáticas y Estadística que conducen a una Licenciatura en Matemáticas (BMath), así como a la Licenciatura en Ciencias (Doble Honores) en Matemáticas y Física.
Puede elegir un programa general, que requiere 15.0 créditos y normalmente se completa en tres años de estudio a tiempo completo, o un programa de honores, que requiere 20.0 créditos y normalmente toma cuatro años para completarse.
Al planificar su programa, querrá considerar una serie de cosas, como cuántos cursos de Ciencias de la Computación incluir en su programa y si debe combinar sus estudios en Matemáticas con cursos en artes, ciencias sociales o ciencias experimentales. Estamos listos para ayudarlo a diseñar un programa adecuado para usted.
- Matemáticas y Estadística Computacionales y Aplicadas (Honores)
- Matemáticas (general o de honores)
- Estadísticas (generales o de honores)
- Concentración en Ciencias Actuariales
Puede encontrar más información sobre estos programas a continuación.
- Ciencias de la Computación y Matemáticas (Honores Combinados)
- Matemáticas y Economía; Estadística y economía (honores combinados)
- Matemáticas y Física (Licenciatura en Ciencias [Double Honours] )
- Programa combinado de licenciatura y maestría
Los estudiantes en programas de pregrado que no estén en la Escuela de Matemáticas y Estadística pueden optar por tomar una asignatura de cuatro créditos en Matemáticas o Estadística.
Becas y Financiamiento
Hay varias opciones de becas disponibles. Por favor consulte el sitio web de la universidad para obtener más información.
Oportunidades profesionales
El título de BMath (honores) proporciona una excelente formación para muchos campos diversos, como:
- Ciencia actuarial
- Modelado de negocios
- Procesamiento de datos
- Seguridad de información
- Gestión y análisis de sistemas Los estudiantes con un título en Estadística pueden encontrar empleo en:
- Análisis de los datos
- Modelado financiero
- Análisis de mercado
- Diseño de encuestas
Las matemáticas y la estadística proporcionan una base sólida para muchos programas profesionales.